1. Custom Rigging - custom rigging for singles and crews
2. Rigging Workshop - 3.5 hour hands-on coach development session
3. Rigging Book- purchase Rigging.
4. Papers in the Rigging Series - a variety of articles for download
5. Rigging Setup v. Performance – by Mike Purcer and Zak Lewis
6. Capture Video for Rigging Analysis - using video camera or smartphone
7. Video Analysis for Rigging Efficiency - video analysis for rigging efficiency
Rigging (2024 Ed.)
Chapter 3 – Rigging is an in-depth reference guide to selecting and setting up the boat, rigger and oar. This book identifies rigging adjustments and explains how they affect the stroke geometry and leverage. There are rigging charts for coaches to use as a starting place for setting the spread/span, oar length and inboard. The information herein will provide coaches with a better understanding of rigging dimensions.
Individual rigging, rigging analysis, and advanced rigging sections provide experienced coaches with a discussion on taking rigging to the next level. Mike’s rigging analysis factors are fully explained, and data related to his research from the World Rowing Championships is included.
Mike Purcer has been involved in rowing for over fifty years. He has coached all levels of rowing, from novice high school to national team crews. Mike has had a keen interest in rigging since his early involvement in rowing and has published articles and the 1st edition of this book Rigging (1985).
Individual rigging, rigging analysis and advanced rigging sections provide experienced coaches with a discussion to take rigging to the next level.
Available in paperback, $34.95 CAD plus shipping.
Email purcerverance@gmail.com with your mailing address and phone number.
You can receive a PayPal invoice to pay by credit card or PayPal account. If you live in Canada, you can pay by e-Transfer by including 'pay by e-transfer' in your email. You will receive a Tracking number when the book is shipped.
Purcerverance Boatfit, similar to the Bikefit process used in cycling, is a method of Custom Rigging utilizing the individual's body anthropometrics, including height, weight, limb lengths, flexibilities and rowing measurements (Fitdata) to determine boat, rigger and oar setup. To enhance the analysis of the Fitdata collected, submit a video of the individual rowing on an erg along with the Custom Measurements Form (download below)
Your rigging setup must be based on your individual characteristics to be effective. Your stroke length (reach), power capacity (force applied), body weight (inertia to accelerate), and target stroke rate will determine the length and load of the rigging setup. Other adjustments include footstop settings, height, and angle based on flexibility and torso v. shin lengths.
Receive your Custom Rigging Setup sheet identifying your boat's rigging dimensions. Also, receive a copy of Mike's RIGGING book (PDF) that outlines how and where rigging dimensions are measured. Finally, submit a video of your rowing, and receive a Purcerverance Rigging Analysis to evaluate the new rigging based on your rowing technique and power application. The analysis will identify any minor adjustments needed to improve your rigging efficiency.
Video of athlete rowing on erg will supplement the Athlete Measurement Form information.
Boatfit Erg Video Capture:
1. Smartphone setup
- perpendicular to erg at mid slide
- setup at oar handle height (on a chair)
- held stationary on support
- setup 10 to 15 feet from erg
- capture erg and athlete in full screen
2. Rowing technique as in shell (do not extend layback or overreach)
3. Record five strokes at race rate and race pressure
4. Ensure the athlete is fully warmed-up before video capture
Purcerverance Rigging Workshop. This three-and-a-half-hour session includes a presentation and discussion on rigging dimensions, followed by hands-on rigging measuring and changing the setup of the boats and oars. The workshop will review the measurements of spread/span, oarlock height, pitch, oar length and inboard, outboard, footstop height and angle. The session briefly touches on individual rigging and how to adjust an athlete's setup to allow the crew to row with better stroke position and timing. Coaches can discuss their specific crews, develop rigging setups, and rig their shells during the practical session.
The first hour is a classroom presentation discussing rigging dimensions and how they affect the rowing stroke. Coaches will gain an understanding of the geometry of the stroke arc and how individual measurements change it. Coaches will receive a PDF copy of Mike Purcer's book Rigging to review and discuss setups for various crew categories and boat classes. Finally, the group will identify the rigging setups for the shells selected for the practical session.
The second part of the workshop is a hands-on session to give coaches experience in adjusting the club's equipment. Coaches will work in groups of two or three to measure and adjust the dimensions while extending the opportunity for questions and discussion. Coaches should bring their rigging tools.
All coaches will receive a PDF copy of Rigging. The workshop costs is $350 (+ travel & accommodations if required). Email purcerverance@gmail.com to find out more.
A series of papers discussing a variety of rigging dimensions to provide coaches and athletes an insight to how the measurements are taken and the effects they have on the rowing stroke.
Comparative Analysis of Rigging Set-Up and Success Amongst Single Scullers at the 2016, 2017 and 2018 FISA World Championships (Rowing) is a paper by Zachary Lewis and Mike Purcer. The study began in the fall of 2016 with rigging analysis of the top twelve singles in each of the eight category at the U19, U23 and Senior World Championships in Rotterdam, NED. The research was supplemented with analysis of the senior men and women at the 2017 and 2018 World Championships. The information presented within suggests that coaches would be wise to analyze Drive Time and Blade Slip to determine the efficiency of their rigging
About the authors:
Zachary Lewis is a high performance coach with an extensive background researching and training elite athletes and performers. He has completed certifications in sport psychology, coaching, strength and conditioning,functional movement training, and athletic nutrition. As a consultant Zak has worked with athletes competing at the NHL, NCAA, Crashed Ice, World Championship and Olympic levels, from national sport organizations across Canada, Australia, and Vietnam. His primary research interests include performance psychology, coaching, and performance model investigation.
Mike Purcer has coached with a particular interest in rigging for over forty years. His book RIGGING was first published in 1985 and has been updated and reprinted several times with the last addition in 2014. Mike authored the Performance Analysis - Rigging Chapter of the Rowing Canada Avrion Performance Coach manual that provides advanced level coaches an outline of rigging analysis. He continues to research in many areas of rowing, presenting regularly at coaches conferences in Canada and USA as well as providing camps and other opportunities for athlete and coach development.
1. Set camera frame rate to 60 frames per second (Settings -> Camera ->
Record Video -> 1080p at 60 fps)
2. Set the smartphone about 50 meters from the shell's path
3. Connect or hold the smartphone completely stationary on a support
(tripod, chair, boat stretcher)
4. Aim the smartphone perpendicular to the path of the shell
5. Zoom camera in or out to record two full strokes
6. Angle the camera up or down to ensure the shell moves through the
middle of the viewfinder
7. Video on bright days with the sun behind the camera
8. Video taken of you in the body of a race is ideal
9. Place a bow maker on the boat (used for tracking)
10. In practice, row at race rate and race intensity (NOT sprinting!) for
preferred analysis
11. Send/email the video file to purcerverance@gmail.com
12. See YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGeZkvKpAfo
To Receive Rigging Analysis from Your Video
13) Send the video along with the boat length and rigging dimensions
14) You will receive a PayPal invoice for $129 CAD (includes tax) that can
be paid by credit card or PayPal account. You can also pay through
RegattaCentral at Camps & Clinics -> Purcerverance ->
Coaching Analysis or by eTransfer to purcerverance@gmail.com
Download this PDF file for instructions on the video capture setup
Drive Time measures when the blade is fully buried at the catch to when the blade is extracted from the water and reaches the feathered position. This factor time provides insight into the rigging load and length of stroke.
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWnG0Hz5ka0&t=8s
Blade Slip evaluates the effectiveness of the blade's interaction with the water related to the stroke position and rigging load.
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJPqXJNZEfQ&t=3s
Effeective Stroke Length measures the distance the boat moves when the boades are in the water and relates to the dimensions of rigging length.
Stroke Position relates to the location of the outboard oar arc relative to the boat. The Stroke Position is a measurement of the percentage of time that the oar spends in the water before it reaches the perpendicular to the boat.
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kud_sXPg5NM&t=4s
Stroke Rate is the tempo measured in strokes per minute.
Stroke Ratio is a measurement of the time the athlete spends on the recovery divided by the drive time.
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGIB_r6j-v0
Rigging Adjustments
Rigging Analysis will identify adjustments to the length and load dimensions of the rigging setup. You will receive recommendations for changes to improve efficiency.