Purcerverance research at World Rowing Champions and at Clubs has provided data that links rowing technique to crew speed. Mike’s video analysis measures 87 factors of speed, acceleration, blade and boat movement related to rowing technique. He has videoed crews at the World Championships 2016 through 2019 and 2022 and is accumulating the data and relating it to race finish position to determine rowing technique performance factors. Mike presented at the 2019 World Rowing Coaches Conference in Great Britain on his analysis and continues to identify new ways to measure technique objectively.
1. SPEED CURVE ANALYSIS – opportunities to improve performance
2. VIDEO CAPTURE for TECHNIQUE ANALYSIS – video your crew for analysis
3. PAPERS on TECHNIQUE - a variety of articles for download
4. TECHNIQUE BOOK EXCERPTS – sections (draft) on Mike’s Technique book
5. VIDEOS ON TECHNIQUE – Mike's videos
Purcerverance - Boat Speed, Rigging & Technique Analysis provides feedback that allows coaches to focus on specific opportunities to increase performance. Graphic curves of both boat speed and acceleration show an overall view of the boat movement during the stroke. Analysis of rigging and technique provide objective numerical values and highlight performance factors that identify areas to focus on for improvement. Coach Purcer provides comments and recommendations to guide coaches and athletes to new opportunities related to both rigging and rowing technique improvements to increase performance.
Using video captured from a stationary camera, the rowing stroke will link technique to boat speed. Watch the video in slow motion or frame-by-frame and match the body and blade movements with the speed curve.
Video your crew for analysis: Go to the Video Capture page of the website and download the Video Camera Setup to review information on how to video for analysis. Forward your
Cost: $129 CAD. Email purcerverance@gmail.com to receive a PayPal invoice or go to RegattaCentral https://www.regattacentral.com/clubs/?org_id=11795 Purcerverance -> Coaching Analysis to register.
email Mike at purcerverance@gmail.com for more information.
These files provide help for understanding the data on the Boat Speed analysis Sheet
1. Set camera frame rate to 60 frames per second (Settings -> Camera -> Record
Video -> 1080p at 60 fps)
2. Set the smartphone about 50 meters from the shell's path
3. Connect or hold the smartphone completely stationary on support (tripod,
chair, boat stretcher)
4. Aim the smartphone perpendicular to the path of the shell
5. Zoom camera in or out to record two full strokes
6. Angle the camera up or down to ensure the shell moves through the middle of
the viewfinder
7. Video on bright days with the sun behind the camera
8. Video taken of you in the body of a race is ideal
9. Place a bow maker on the boat (used for tracking)
10. In practice, row at race rate and race intensity (NOT sprinting!) for preferred
11. Send/email the video file to purcerverance@gmail.com
12. Watch YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGeZkvKpAfo
1. Set camera to record at sixty (60) frames per second
2. Ensure the camera stabilization setting is turned on
3. The camera must be held stationary and aimed perpendicularto the shell.
4. The entire shell must be in the middle of the camera frame
5. The coach boat must be on relatively calm water travelling parallel and at
constant speed beside the shell
6. The coach boat should be a minimum of 15m away from the shell
7. Set a bow marker (number 1) on the shell
8. The shell must be travelling along (on) a buoy line that will be used for
movement reference
9. The crew should be rowing at race pace and race rate.
10. The entire shell must be in the video frame
11. Video capture should include a minimum of two full stroke with the boat
moving past a reference buoy
12. The best video quality is captured with the sunlight behind the camera.
Download this PDF file for instructions on the video capture setup
A series of papers discussing various phases of rowing technique to provide coaches insight with recommended drills
Mike is currently working on Chapter 2 in his rowing series that will be dedicated to rowing technique
Below are DRAFT sections of the book that he is sharing to help coaches with a better understanding of rowing technique
These are DRAFT sections from the Technique chapter of Notes on Rowing
2.02 Recovery 2.8 Drills 2.9(1-7) Objective Analysis 2.11 Coaching Technique
Learn how to accelerate the boat on the recovery.